Entrance door for secondary units zoning requirements
Zoning By-law 569-2013 has been updated to remove clause General, and regulations and, which previously restricted the placement and exterior alterations for pedestrian entrances to secondary suites.now you can have more than one entrance on front wall.
Key Points:
Front Entrances: Secondary suites can now have pedestrian entrances on the front main wall of a building, allowing more design flexibility to meet Ontario Building Code requirements for ingress and egress.
Location of Entrances: With the removal of regulations and, entrances to secondary suites can be located on the front, side, or rear of a building. There are no restrictions on the number of entrances.
Additional Tips:
- Exterior alterations to accommodate a front entrance for secondary suites in an existing building are permitted.
- Multiplexes do not have any restrictions on the number or location of pedestrian entrances.